The eBox development team is proud to announce the next eBox platform release. This version 0.7.99, which is our release candidate for 0.8 final, is already downloadable from the usual place. We do not expect many changes from this version to 0.8.
It has been a while since our last release and some of you thought the project was stopped, but here we are, hitting the repository again, alive and kicking and with more energy than ever thanks to the new developers who have joined us in the last months, Javi and Quique.
In this version the backup actions have been improved and extended to other modules. Now you will be able to backup the shared files for your samba users, the LDAP database, or burn the backup files directly to DVD or CD-ROM. Several bugfixes have been made, it is worth mentioning in this regard that we have added a new version of OpenLDAP which seems to behave much better with power failures, hopefully all issues reported regarding database corruptions will dissappear. There is a complete changelog at the end of this email.
Please, all those who are going to upgrade your eBox to this version read carefully the following lines. There was a bug in the last version which will prevent you from upgrading through the web interface. So if you want to upgrade, you will have to do it manually. Here are the steps to follow:
- Log into eBox through console or SSH as root
- Edit /etc/apt/sources.list and remove any line which contains a Debian security source. The line looks like this:
deb sarge/updates main
Please note, that from this version on, the security updates will be on our repositories. We will make sure that the new packages do not mess up anything in eBox before uploading them.
- Save the file
- Execute the command “apt-get update”
- After that, execute the command “apt-get dist-upgrade”
- After a few minutes, your system and eBox will be upgraded
So if you plan to try or install eBox you have several options of how to do it:
Recommended if you want to take a glance at its features, or check quickly if it meets your needs without installing anything.
In case you want to install eBox in a new machine from scratch. It will install sarge, eBox and all its dependences automatically.
If you already have a Debian sarge installed. We recommend you use a machine dedicated to eBox as it will take over some services and configuration files. So maybe the Debian installer is still the best option for you.
And of course, you have access to the source repository. Note that this approach should only be used if you intend to help with the project development.
Here you have a detailed Changelog for each module:
0.7.99 aka “spicy pepper daddy”
- Add test stubs to ease testing
- Add setters for eBox::CGI::Base
- Add default _process with parameters validation behaviour to EBox::CGI::Base
- New sudo handling with custom exceptions
- Mason templates for common controls and form tables
- Some API extensions and bug-fixing
- Refactored and increased test coverture
- Change sudo stub to be more permissive
- Add startup file to apache web server
- Enhance backup module
- Add basic CD/DVD support to backup module
- Add test stubs to simplify testing
- Add test class in the spirit of Test::Class
- now uses mason templates
- Add a Brazilian Portuguese translation
- Fix bugs giving a more robust support for adding NTP
- Full backup mode stores shared files
- Quota now allows unlimited space and i-nodes number
- Various bug-fixes
- Add extended backup support for LDAP
- Performance tuning to slapd
- Some minor code improvements
- Backup the eBox’s postgresql database
- Fix shown n-pages log in Web
- Some small bugs fixed
- Add Mime Type Filter Support
- Add custom filter support for file extensions and Mime Type
- Merge Portuguese translation thanks to JC Junior
- Add some explanatory notes
- Fix some small bugs
- Fix a bug which made dansguardian crash at start
- Dansguardian does not start when it shouldn’t
- Add Portuguese translation
- Add Portuguese translation
- Add Portuguese translation
- Duplicate names are not longer allowed
- Fix bug to wait until the upgrade or installation is done.
Use AJAX to check if the upgrading taking place has finished - Restart apache when a package is installed
- Add Portuguese translation